Friday, October 13, 2006

Strategies for Friday the 13th

It's Friday the 13th ... I love it when it's Friday the 13th ... luck abounds everywhere.

It's all a matter of attitude and belief.

If you believe that Friday the 13th is bad luck then chances are you are going to experience negativity in your day.

If, on the other hand, you believe as I do that this is a day of opportunity, then you will experience positive activity throughout your day.

Breathe in the day and welcome it!

What are you doing today to move your business forward? Are you advertising as much as you can be? Are you making contact with new people every day?

You need to find and connect with new people daily in order to propel your business forward.

Here are some activities that may help you do just that.

1. Follow the Success Guide at PIF4P

Not a member yet? It's free to join and take advantage of the amazing training offered at PIF4p. When you combine it with my clb strategies you see results even sooner.

Register for free here:

2. Register for my live workshops

It's a proven fact that those who register for and attend our live workshops excel in their business. It's in the learning and doing that you see progress.

I've listed our upcoming workshops on our new blog here:

3. Advertise your lead capture pages

Another proven fact, the more you advertise, the more results you receive. Funny how that happens, eh? I'm often asked what resources I use so I listed them here:

4. Take positive action every day

It's great to learn and take training, however if you aren't taking action, the training is useless.

Learn ... then take what you learned and use it in the real world ... on or offline, put your new found strategies out there and makethings happen.

It's only in your doing that you will see results. I can't learn it for you and I can't do it for you.
I can, however, help you learn and guide you on the right actions to take.

5. Connect with me on instant messenger

I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is that you connect with me on Instant Messenger.


Because that's the environment where I can best offer advice and instruction to help you make the most of your online experience.

I use msn, yahoo and skype.

If you aren't using one of these, you can download them here:

MSN: My MSN id is:
Yahoo: My Yahoo id is: janetlegere
Skype: My Skype id is: sykaro

Add me to your friends list and let's connect.

Success is up to you ... I can be your guide to help you make good decisions and take effective action.

Let's make it happen for you, ok?

Have a great day!


Janet Legere, Business Coach and Mentor
The Contact List Builder
Coaching Leaders in Business Online Since 1999

Personal Coaching - One on One Training
One Full Year - One Low Price