Monday, January 07, 2008

Generating Prospects With Yahoo Messenger

Welcome to 2008 and what a year it is already becoming!

I want to start the year with an idea I learned from a good friend of mine that I've known online for nearly 7 years. He is very experienced at network marketing and Internet marketing and I've learned a great deal from him over the years.

I recently received an email that caused me to stop and think. The thought I had was this "Why didn't I think of this before?".

So a big thank you to Derek Bohlken for shaking me up.

I am about to share with you a very simple way to create prospects for your business using Yahoo messenger, AOL messenger or MSN messenger.

Most who are reading this post are already purchasing Optin Leads and Auto-Responder Leads and Biz Opp Seeker Leads and all manner of leads, right? Here's a neat little trick.

You can purchase great leads from these two long standing companies. Oppseekers and Traffic Oasis.

Open your lead file and look for,, or email addresses. I recommend focussing on one program to begin with and in this example our focus will be Yahoo email addresses.

From your open file, locate the first Yahoo email address, highlight it and copy it.

Open your Yahoo instant messenger window and click on the + (plus) button to add a friend to your list. Paste in the email address and click Next. Select the group (I created a group called Yahoo Prospects). You can enter a brief message, I put "May I contact you about business?" Click Next again then Finish.

Your prospect has been sent a request to be added to your list.

Invite as many as you want, I recommend inviting 10 a day to start.

Once your prospects accepts the request and adds you to their Yahoo list, they will show up on your list as Online when they login.

When you see your new prospect come online, go to their name and send them an instant message. Here is an example:

YOU: Hello Name, it's great to connect. Do you have a moment to chat?

PROSPECT: Sure, I have a few minutes. What do you do?

YOU: Thanks for asking. I market products for people who want to go green, get healthy and help the planet at the same time. Do you know anyone who might be interested in products like that?

PROSPECT: hmm ... I might. Tell me more. What kind of products are they?

YOU: Well, our Get Clean green cleaning products have been featured on Oprah this year and include everything you need to replace all the toxic cleaners in your home. Let me tell you what happened to me.

I was having some real health issues and came to realize it could be the cleaners we were using in our home. We tried the Get Clean products and within a few hours my breathing problems began to cleare up. It's been over a year now and my symptoms have not returned.

Do you know anyone who might be interested in products like that?

PROSPECT: I'd like to know more ... do you have a website?

YOU: I sure do. Let me get that information for you.

Visit and use yb64599 to login to watch our presentation and enter our draw to win $250 in products. Do you have time to visit and watch now? You'll need about 45 minutes.

PROSPECT: Yes, I have time now

YOU: Great, I'll followup with you in about 45 minutes ok and we can see if this is right for you. Will that work for you?


YOU: Ok, I'll message you in a while. Enjoy the movies.

See how simple this is? Of course, you will change the script to suit your business and your personality.

This is a great way to connect with prospects, especially for those who may be phone shy. While this won't replace those calls, it will add another resource to generate good prospects and a way to use those Biz Opp leads safely.

You can use this same method to invite everyone with AOL.COM email addresses to AOL Instant Messenger and everyone with or MSN.COM email addressses to MSN Instant Messenger.

Please let us know how you make out with this method and post your results below in the comments section.

Happy Marketing and Have a Great Day.

Janet Legere

Go Green, Get Healthy & Help Our Planet