Monday, June 22, 2009

List Joe Sets the Standard

ListJoe is a great resource, in fact, it's likely my top pick for online marketing. ListJoe helps you advertise your business and helps you build your list at the same time.

It is important to stay focused and avoid the confusion that comes from clicking links. Setup your ListJoe system as directed below and focus on learning how to advertise your website. In the directions below, I use the EarthFriendlyBiz system as an example. You can easily adapt what is here to advertise any program or resource.

Remember, your audience is other online marketers ... new and seasoned and the best thing to do with these online marketers is to get them on your list so make sure, whatever you are advertising that your visitors can fill out a form to subscribe to your list.

Register for an account with ListJoe - it's free however, you will be met with a one time offer of $197 that is WELL worth the price. If you cannot afford the $197 there are very affordable options from as little as $27.

You want to have access to email as many ListJoe members as possible ... and an upgraded membership will do that for you.

List Joe is one of the few free systems out there that DOES WORK ... realize that free means you are clicking emails to earn credits and that takes time ... consider upgrading as soon as you can, List Joe is one resource that will pay you back over time.

If you aren't yet a member of List Joe, you can join here

Once registered you are ready to learn the simple steps to setup and use List Joe effectively.

1. Login to ListJoe

Login to your ListJoe account with the username and password that you created when you joined ListJoe. If you don’t remember your login, you can request it be sent to your registered email address.

Login to the ListJoe members area here:

NOTE: When you login to ListJoe, you will be presented with an ad from one of the Upgraded members. These ads are very effective and we’ll show you how to set yours up if you are an upgraded member. When you are presented with these ads, please scroll to the bottom and click on ‘Continue …’ to proceed directly to your members’ area. Remember, it’s important to stay focused on getting your system setup to take best advantage of the power of duplication offered through EarthFriendlyBiz.

2. Edit Your ListJoe Profile

Once logged into the ListJoe members’ area, click on Your Account. A drop down menu appears, scroll down and select Profile.

Update your information to include your list email and contact email as well, you want to include your Paypal email address so that you can receive your commission payments for members in your downline who upgrade at ListJoe.

NOTES: I’d like to explain the difference between a list email and a contact email and the Paypal email.

List email: this is the email address where you will receive the emails from other ListJoe members. By opening these emails and clicking the credit links included, you will earn credits. These credits can be redeemed to send your ad to a random sampling of ListJoe members based on your earned credits and membership level. I recommend a separate email address for your list emails so that you can easily create a message rule in your email program to sort emails from List Joe members.

Contact email: this is the email address where you will receive emails from ListJoe administration (emails from Jonah Klimack, owner of ListJoe). It’s important that you review administration emails to stay up to date on changes to the system, etc. Again, it’s wise to stay focused on your purpose which is to advertise your EarthFriendlyBiz website.

Paypal email: this is the email address where your ListJoe commissions will be paid. It’s important that you enter your active paypal email address.

Once you have updated your profile to include your contact information, click the Update profile button at the bottom of the page.

3. List Builders

This area houses the recommended lists that are effective for your online advertising. All are free to join and there is no requirement to join any of these lists.

There are 14 other lists presented in this section. I recommend that you enter the IDs for the programs you already belong to.

NEWBIE WARNING: Please heed this warning. If you are new to online marketing, please resist joining all those lists. The reason being that you will receive a LOT of email from those lists and until you understand email marketing and know how to manage all those emails (with message rules, etc) it’s best to avoid joining these.

As you become more comfortable with the process we are teaching, you can begin to add these lists to your advertising “portfolio”.

Once you have added the IDS you have ready, you are ready to advertise to the EarthFriendlyBiz site to ListJoe members.

4. Earning Credits

You will begin to receive emails from ListJoe members almost immediately upon joining. It takes just moments a day to open the emails and click the Credit links. Your ListJoe emails should be in a folder where you can easily access them.

HINT: Outlook Express users - To assist you in clicking the credit links, open the folder with your ListJoe emails then click on the Menu at the top of your screen select View, Layout, Show Preview Pane. This allows you to read the contents of the email without clicking it to open it. Scroll to the bottom where the Credit link is located and click the link. You must remain on the site for 20 seconds to earn credits. Once you have viewed all ListJoe emails and clicked the credits, remember to uncheck the preview pane.

5. Sending Your Ads

Now that you have earned some credits, we are now ready to send your ads to other ListJoe members. From the menu select Mailings then Send Mail.

You will be presented with a page that shows you how many credits you have earned and how many downline members are below you. If you are an upgraded member, it will show you how many random emails you can send as part of your membership.

Scroll to the bottom to enter your ad.

Under Spend Credits, enter the number of credits you have available that you are allowed to use.

Under Credit Clicking URL, enter the address of your EarthFriendlyBiz website ie:

Here is an ad suggestion for your EarthFriendlyBiz site

SUBJECT: Is It Working For You?

BODY: (page says, please enter your message here - copy and paste the ad below.)

It worked then
It works now
Only question is ...

Why aren't you using it?

What is it?

Itï's a 3-step system called
Earth Friendly Biz and our Biz
IS Earth Friendly!

Check it out here:

Get started today ... you will
be so glad you did!

Have a great day,

Your First and Last Name
Your City, State/Province
Your Phone Number

NOTE: Remember to edit the ad with your link and your contact information!

You may preview your ad to make sure it is correct. When you are satisfied that the ad is correct, click on Send this Solo ad.

Your ad will be placed in the Queue and you will receive an email from ListJoe when your ad has been sent.

6. Continued tasks

Daily: Open ListJoe ads and click the credit links to earn credits to send your ad to ListJoe members

Sending Ads: Depending on your membership level, you will have the ability to send ads to ListJoe members every 3 days up to once a week (free members). Make note on your calendar to send your ads out on the days that you are eligible. Consistent advertising is key to bringing results.

Alternative Subjects: Here are a few alternative subjects you may want to try, or make up your own. Use something pertinent to the ad above. The ad above is working well to generate leads to the system.

* What Is It?
* Did You Use It?
* Is It Working For You?
* Why aren’t you using it?
* Did you try this yet?
* Thousands are using this, are you?
* Do you need to generate responsive leads?
* Would you like contacts calling you?

Happy Marketing!

Please post your comments, let us know how List Joe is working for you or post you questions and challenges.

There is no secret to marketing successfully online ... but the key to making it work is learning how to use these resources. Take your time, learn .. it's time well spent.

Janet Legere
List Building Expert