Saturday, May 22, 2010

Program Review: Phone Followup

Phone Followup is the brilliant creation of Joel Therien, Mike Potvin, Mark Call and Ken Hammond. The genious behind the scenes is one of the best programmers in he world who's name shall remain silent :-) (we wouldn't want someone else trying to steal our programmer, now would we?).

How does it work?

Well, as you know, email marketing is still one of the best ways to build your business online. You may also be aware that email marketing alone can be ineffective.

Imagine this ... your visitor subscribes to your list from your website and immediately receives a personal voice message OR ... a personal TEXT MESSAGE from YOU!

Statistics tell us that 95% of people who have cell phones, read their text messages right away ... compared to 22% of email readers!

I'm sure by now you can see how Phone Followup can enhance your results and really build that 'Know, Like Trust' factor.

Setting up Phone Followup is so simple, anyone can do it, regardless of your experience.

Best part of Phone Followup to me is that it is connected directly to my GVO eResponder (You can also choose Aweber or GetResponse - my choice is GVO).

Below, I will walk you through the steps to setup your Phone Followup account to connect to GVO eResponder and to promote Earth Friendly Biz (you can replace EFB with your main program).

In this exercise, our focus is going to be on TEXT MESSAGES only. If you wish to use the Voice messages, you will need to record or upload a recorded message.

STEP ONE: Signup for Phone Followup

Once registered, check your email to confirm your account. You must confirm your account to gain access.

RECOMMENDATION: I suggest you use a Gmail account to register with Phone Followup.

STEP TWO: Purchase Credits

From inside your Phone Followup members area, click on Buy Credits at the top of the page. You will have three options to choose from.

Voice Followup
Text Followup
Voice & Text Followup

You can try the entire system for 30 days for just $4.95. After 30 days, you will pay $49.95 for either Text or Voice followup or $69.95 for the Text/Voice system.

STEP THREE: Verify your caller ID number

You will need to enter your phone number (Cell Phone) into the system. This is the number that your recipient will see for return messages. It's really simple. Just enter your cell phone number then wait for the message from your phone and enter the code supplied.

STEP FOUR: Setup Your Auto-Responder Campaign

Since we are focused only on the use of Text messaging in this review, we will skip the Recording of a Voice message and go directly to setting up your Text Campaign.

You will need to set aside a bit of time for this section as you will need to setup your Autoresponder campaign as well.

Login to your GVO back office at (if you are not a member of GVO, you can join here

Click on the eResponder icon on the left.

Click on Campaigns, Add a Campaign.

In this example, I am calling my campaign EFB as I am going to use this to direct people to our Earth Friendly Biz funded sponsoring system.

When setting up my campaign, I set my redirect URL to Step 2 of our EFB system as our visitor has already filled out a form. You will set your redirect URL to the program or business website you are promoting.

Once your campaign is added, you need to setup the Optin Message and your Followup message.


SUBJECT: Thank you %%SubscriberFullName%%, please confirm

Hello %%SubscriberFullName%%

Thank you for visiting my website
and subscribing for more info.

Please click the link below to confirm
your email address and be added to
our in house list.


I look forward to sharing with you,
the tools and resources that work
for me.

Thank you,

Janet Legere
Internet Training Expert
Calgary, Alberta

Skype: sykaro

Once your Opt-in Message is set, you need to add a followup message that your subscriber will receive once they confirm their email address. You will edit this message to reflect your business.


SUBJECT: Thank you %%SubscriberFirstName%%

Hello %%SubscriberFirstName%%,

Janet Legere here with a quick followup
to say thank you for subscribing.

When you confirmed your email address,
you were directed to our Earth Friendly
Biz funded sponsoring system.

What is a funded sponsoring system?

Simply put, it's a program that creates
multiple streams of income while sharing
your primary business with your prospects.

Our system is easy to follow and simple
to understand.

If you didn't join yet, you can try our system
for free.

Add me to Skype and let's chat. My Skype
ID is janetlegere. I look forward to chatting

Make it a great day,

Janet Legere
Internet Training Expert

STEP FIVE: Your Text Ad Campaign

You will edit the above message to reflect the business you are promoting with your list.

Ok, now we are back inside the Phone Followup members area and ready to setup our actual Text campaign.

Click on My Campaigns

Click on Text Opt-in Campaign

What would you like to name your campaign?

Enter something relevant to your campain. In this example, I am setting up a campaign for Earth Friendly Biz so I entered EFB as my campaign name. You will call it something relative to your business or service that you are offering.

Click Next

Enter Text To Send In Welcome Message?

This is where you enter your text message that your subscriber will receive on their cell phone. You have 100 characters.

My Message

Thank you for subscribing to my list. Reply to this message and let's connect. Janet Legere

Click Next

What Page Do You Want To Send Them To After They Optin?

This is where you put the website you want your subscriber to visit. In this example, I am sending them to step 2 of our three step system

the HTTP:// is already listed, you enter only what come after:

You will put the link to your business or opportunity here.

Which Auto-Responder Do You Want To Add?

Now you can choose between three separate professional autoresponders. GVO, Getresponse and Aweber. We are choosing GVO. Setup for GetResponse and Aweber will be similar. We recommend you join GVO through your sponsor once inside your Phone Followup system.

Select GVO from the drop down menu

Enter your GVO username (mine is janetlegere)
Enter your GVO Campaign name (mine is called EFB) NOTE: it must be EXACT!

Click Submit

You will be presented with a Form Code to add to your website. Simply copy it and paste it to your Text Widget on your blog, to the html of a blog post or to the html of your static website.

We are adding it to our Earth Friendly Biz blog. If you are using Wordpress (easy to setup with GVO), it is very simple to add a Text widget with your form code to your Blog.

Check out Phone Followup in Action at

I almost forgot to mention ... when you become a member of Phone Followup, you can add your GVO username to the system as the GVO eResponder is the focus of training and examples at Phone Followup. AND ... you can earn 25% on your personal referrals every month! Just 4 members and your monthly fee is covered! Phone Followup is going to change the face of Internet Marketing. I truly believe it's the missing link - and now it's not missing anymore!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Traffic Leads And Sales eResponder Setup

How do I setup my GVO eResponder for Traffics Leads and Sales?

I'm getting a lot of new members emailing me to ask how to setup their GVO eResponder to work with the new TrafficsLeadsAndSales program. So, I thought I'd put together a quick blog post.

If you aren't familiar with TrafficLeadsAndSales, you will want to look at this new viral tool that builds your list and deposits money directly to your Paypal account!

Click here to learn more about TrafficLeadsAndSales

This post is designed for those members who signed up for TrafficLeadsAndSales who also use the GVO eResponder. The GVO eResponder is simple to setup for TLAS.

1. Login to GVO members area at

2. Click on eResponder icon on the left sidebar

3. Click on Campaigns

4. Click on Add a Campaign

5. Call the Campaign TrafficLeadsAndSales

6. Under email settings, enter your Name, main email address and the email address to which you wish to receive your notifications of new subsribers

7. Under company settings, put your Name as the Company name, ie Janet Legere and for Website URL, enter your blog ie

8. Check the box to receive notification of new subscribers

9. Click to Add Campaign

10. IMPORTANT: At the top right, locate the drop down menu and select your new Campaign you just created. This activates the new campaign

11. Click on Forms

12. Click on Create Form - the following form will appear (the form name code will differ slightly from this one here. PLEASE NOTE ... you MUST uncheck the Double Optin field. Members who subscribe to this list have already double opted in through the TrafficLeadsAndSales system.

Form Name:
Thankyou Page:
Click here to view Thankyou Page

Already Subscribed Thankyou Page:
Ad Tracking:

Main Fields


13. UNCHECK the Double Optin Field. You can leave all other fields blank, they are not critical for this list.

14. YOUWhen ready click Create

Now head back over to TrafficLeadsAndSales and Login

Enter the information as shown below:
Newsletter Name

replace Janet Legere with your name or call your list something totally unique. It's up to you :-)

Select the eResponder from the drop down menu
User ID:

List Name

This is the name of your Campaign and should be EXACTLY as you created it

When you have entered all the information, you will click the link to Verify your list. If you have entered the information correctly you will see a Green Verified button like in the picture above. This means you are set and ready to promote your TrafficLeadsAndSales website.

If you aren't using the GVO eResponder, considering signing up for GVO for $1 to try our complete line of products designed to help you build your business online. Click the banner below:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Program Review - Phentnet Fast List


At the end of the day ... it all comes down to having enough quality resources where you can advertise your business and when I come across a resource that is top quality and offers me the ability to email their list... I'm all over it!

Such is the case with Phentnet Fast List ... Paul Hance is a stand up guy and a leader in the industry and his goal is to create an ACTIVE list ... because an active list is going to bring you results!

When Paul put his list together, he did it with you, the advertiser, in mind.

First, there are only two member levels, Free and Gold. The gold upgrade price is just $14.95 a year, making it a very reasonable annual price.

Secondly, when a member places their link in an email the link there are no frames. The link is directed to their website. This generates an actual hit.

Thirdly, Paul pays a one time referral commission to free members of $3 and he pays gold members 60%. What this does is allow you to build your downline and earn money for your time spent.

The system is not be credit based.

In Paul's own words:
My goal is to create a group of dedicated markers that commit to helping “a team” of fellow marketers by viewing their offerings, which in turn will multiply the number of exposures to their own personal website(s) and ultimately increase their sales and expand their businesses.

I simply believe that people would realize that as a group helping each other the results would be measurable.
As an upgraded member, you can send your offer out 4 times a day ... this is incredible because I know this list will grow and I know it will continue to be responsive because that is Paul's goal.

The other thing I love about Phentnet Fast List is the Downline Builder with quality traffic and list building programs.

It's a great way to keep your downline together.

Phentnet Fast List is going to quickly become one of the top responsive resources online.

Click here to join now

I hope Phentnet Fast List brings you the same results!

Happy Marketing,

Janet Legere

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Systems With Janet Legere

Systems work if you work the system ... it's true.

I'm often asked, what's the best system to get maximum results and my answer is always the same. The best system is the one you use.

We have several tools in our marketing portfolio and we have a system in place that works.

1. GVO - Global Virtual Opportunities

This is our Webhost, our auto-responder, our Video host and our Virtual Office provider. GVO is where we run our business. You will setup your domain at GVO with a WordPress blog, a subscription form and a Video introduction.

GVO is $1 for a 14 day trial. The monthly subscription is $44.95. Full training and support is included with your fee.

CLICK HERE to register with GVO

Once registered, you will setup your domain and install your word press blog. It's so simple and even simpler with our step by step instructions and videos.

2. PMS - Prosperity Marketing System

This is one of the best systems for training newbies and let's face it, everyone learning to build a business online and wanting to build a list is a newbie. No one is born knowing how to promote your business online. No one is born understand traffic exchanges or list builders. The Prosperity Marketing System offers you a place to promote GVO! With the PMS system, you are building YOUR list first as you will see when you join.

PMS is free to join and take the Tour. It is a one time fee of $27 to become a full student.

CLICK HERE to take the free Prosperity Marketing System Tour

Once you register, you will be presented with the option to upgrade and take the full training as well as have access to the full system. Once upgraded, you will follow the steps to setup your autoresponder campaign, setup the traffic exchanges and setup the list builders.

I recommend that you setup and use the GVO eResponder pro. The PMS system is designed to work with several different autoresponder programs. This is a good time to take advantage of your GVO membership and build your list.

3. Prosperity Rising

Now that you are all setup with your word press blog and your PMS system all setup, you are ready to venture on to the Prosperity Rising Viral Marketing system. With PR, you will be able to advertise your Website all across the Internet. This unique system comes with complete training and support including live training calls for free and paid members.

The Prosperity Rising system is free to join and use and the offer a One Time Offer to upgrade first to Diamond membership then to Elite. I highly recommend both upgrades as this will give you the ability to email 2010 random members every 4 days. Prosperity Rising are very active and a great place to attract visitors to your blog and subscribers to your list!

CLICK HERE to register for Prosperity Rising

Once registered and upgraded, you will login and follow the START HERE Guide that I put together for Prosperity Rising members. This step by step guide shows you how to setup the List Builders and Income builders within the system.

How it all works ...

You will use the Prosperity Rising System to begin getting traffic to your website. You can post your ads on the Prosperity Rising System and earn credits by using your Prosperity Rising Cloaking links.

You will re-brand and setup the Prosperity Rising ebook to give away and build your list.

You will use your Prosperity Rising Tracking/Cloaking links to cloak your website and promote on Social Networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

If you need help understanding how to use GVO, Prosperity Marketing or Prosperity Rising, let me know.

Add me to Skype and let's chat about how you can improve your results. My Skype ID is janetlegere.

I look forward to reading your comments!

Have a great day,

Janet Legere
Internet Training Expert

Subscribe to my personal contact list to receive a free email series on Branding along with Tips and Strategies to Marketing you online. Scroll down to fill out the form below


Be sure to leave your comments ... we welcome your questions and suggestions!