Thursday, December 20, 2007

What's Your Hot Button?

As you venture into the world of the Network Marketer and you perfect your sales script, have you considered what YOUR hot button is or are you still out there trying to figure out your prospects hot button, like I used to?

There is one thing I accepted long ago, I will be continually learning and this week, I learned a valuable lesson that is already turning our entire business around.

The lesson I learned is all about working with and attracting the right people. I learned a few key skills that totally opened my eyes and I have Kim Klaver to thank for it!

Here is a brief summary of what I learned.

How do you find the right people to work with to build your Network Marketing business?

Well, you start by first recognizing your own HOT button. What is it that brought you into your business? Why did you choose Company A over Company B? What is it that gets you all excited about your company or its products?

When you know your hot button, you can then attract others with the same hot button. When you attract others with the same hot button, you will find the right people to work with and when you work with the right people, you begin to see some phenomenal growth in your business.

In my case, I market products for people who want to go green and make money at the same time, just like me.

Do you know anyone like that?

It's my hot button ... helping others help our planet while helping them make money at the same time. I call it, Doing Well by Doing good.

How about you, what is your hot button? Use the comments section below to share your hot buttons with us.

And if your hot button matches mine or you know someone just like me, please contact me personally and we can discuss the next step.

Have a powerful day!

Janet Legere
Doing Well by Doing Good

P.S. I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of Kim Klaver's book 'If My Product's So Great How Come I Can't Sell It?'. Study it, then put your hot button to work for you!

Get your Copy here: Kim Klaver's eBook "If My Product's So Great How Come I Can't Sell It?"

Before you go, please use the Comments section below to share YOUR hot button with us!