Thursday, May 22, 2008

Importance of an Internet Marketing System

I am often asked ... "Janet, what's your secret?" People want to know what the secret is to our success on the Internet.

Some of you seem to think there is a secret to my success when in reality, there really is no secret to this.

There is no magic button you can press that will grow your business.

There is no "system" that will do all the work for you ... heck, even a system that does 90% of the work for you is really not doing much. The 10% of the work required by you is the most important aspect of success in this business.

Whatever business!

10% of the work is personal follow-up and building relationships with the people you connect with through the systems you use online. This is where most of your time will be spent ... not learning systems and pay plans.

So, if it's going to take 90% of your time to do 10% of the "work", how will you manage to find prospects to spend that time with?

Sounds like quite a conundrum, doesn't it?

Don't be discouraged.

There is a "formula" for achieving success online using systems. It doesn't take a rocket scientist and you don't need to be an Internet guru.

A beginner can learn to use the Internet to build a prospect base and attract business builders to their primary business.

That formula involves 3 very key elements that every network marketer must have.

  1. Auto-Responder
  2. Prospecting Tools
  3. Advertising Resources

1. Auto-responder

This is one tool that is an absolute must. I feel it is one of the first tools that you need to learn to master when deciding to use the Internet to build your business.

I use several highly rated auto-responders but my auto-responder of choice for new people (and seasoned veterans) is Response Magic.

Why Response Magic?

  1. It's easy to use and setup
  2. It's simple to create a form to add to a webpage (such as a free blog)
  3. It's an effective contact management system

There is one thing all experienced marketers agree on ... online or offline ... you need a list! Without a list of prospects, your business is not going to grow ... no matter what system you use.

The more prospects you generate, the more people will join your business. It is a simple fact.

To generate and manage a list, you need an auto-responder. With an auto-responder, you can setup pre-assigned letters that are sent to your list members automatically.

With your auto-responder, you can easily create and manage multiple lists (members, prospects, subscribers to an ezine). With your auto-responder, you can send a broadcast email to your lists at any time.

Response Magic is $17.95 a month (there is an annual membership available as well).

You can also become a 'Partner' of Response Magic and refer others to this great program through Platinum Synergy.

2. Prospecting Tools

Over time, you are going to collect a number of tools that you will use to educate your prospects as well as educate your new members.

Below is a list of the prospecting tools and training tools that we use to help our members duplicate the business and create growing incomes.

Online Presentations and Webinars

Streamline Magic
- a prospecting and joint venture tool which creates a self funded system to generate paid leads for our Shaklee business. 15% of Streamline leads become paid Streamline members and 20% of Streamline paid members become Gold Ambassadors in Shaklee.

GoShaklee - a prospecting system designed to educate our prospects on Shaklee, the company, products, vision and mission. GoShaklee shows you how you can go green starting today by making smart choices in your home environment (note the use of a page with a form to capture your name and email address before sharing the GoShaklee information).

NOTE: Your company may offer different prospecting tools or you can use my report on using a Blog to create a lead capture page and build your prospecting list that way. Click here to get free copy of "My Wealthy Blog", includes detailed setup instructions for Response Magic!

Hot Conference - we use and recommend the services of Hot Conference for online presentations and training. We use our online conference rooms for live presentations every Tuesday evening, as well as our weekly Sykaroteam meetings. No long distance charges for anyone.

3. Advertising Resources

Your list of advertising resources is going to begin small and grow and you become familiar with the online environment.

a word of caution: if you are relatively new to Internet marketing or already overwhelmed, do yourself a favour ... do not try to learn to use all the resources at once. We recommend selecting one resource, learning how to set it up and use it to advertise. Once you are comfortable using the system and it's working for you, then and only then, look at adding another resource.

Here is a list of a few select resources that I recommend you begin with.

ViralURL - this resource is multi-purpose. It acts as a link "cloaker" to disguise your affiliate links, it acts as a link tracker so that you know how many people actually visited your website and as an upgraded member, ViralURL is a list mailer as well. You can email up to 30,000 random ViralURL members every month as an upgraded member! I recommend the One-Tim offer - it's well worth the price of $197.00. I wrote a simple blog article that describes exactly how to setup and use ViralURL. Click here for the article.

AdlandPro - this social network has over 70,000 very active business members. You will find a lot of potential partners for your business. Adlandpro also offers a great many specific advertising resources that you can use to attract Adlandpro members to your prospecting website. I recommend that you upgrade in AdlandPro at an "Adlander" member so that you can send targeted emails to the AdlandPro database. I wrote an article on how to invite AdlandPro members to your list at Adlandpro. Click here for the article.

ListJoe - this active list allows you to email up to 30,000 members per month as an upgraded member. As a free member, you can send email once a week to a number of random members based on credits earned from reading ListJoe emails. Like ViralURL, ListJoe offers a one time promotion and I highly recommend it. $197 one time gives you the ability to email 3000 random members of ListJoe every 3 days forever!

For an extensive list of advertising resources click here

Putting it all together

So, now that you have an autoresponder and you signed up for some advertising resources to advertise your "prospecting system", how does it all work?

Step 1. Send an ad out using the resources you just joined. The ad you send will depend on the prospecting system you are using. Here is a current ad that I am sending to my online marketing lists:

SUBJECT: Will the madness never stop?

Will the madness ever stop with
this Streamline Magic?

I mean, seriously ... I haven't had
time to think about anything else
since I started promoting Streamline

My phone is ringing off the hook.
People are signing up in my business.

And while I'm not one for hype, my
results speak for themselves.

5% of visitors become leads
15% of leads become paid members
20% upgrade to Gold

More Traffic = More Leads
More Leads = More Sales
More Sales = More Gold

What are you waiting for? Time
really is money where this is

Click here Now:

Call if you have questions, we're in
Calgary, Alberta at 403-274-2930. Ask
for Don or Janet.

Talk soon, have a great day,

Janet and Don Legere
Calgary, Alberta

NOTE: please notice the use of a "ViralURL" link to track my website. When you click the link, you are taken to my Streamline website and ViralURL tells me someone clicked my link and visited my website. This is all explained in the blog article I wrote for ViralURL.

Step 2. Add your new prospects to your Auto-responder (if you are advertising your lead capture blog page, then your leads are automatically added to your auto-responder)

Step 3. Followup with your new prospects by phone (if they left their phone number, it's always best to make a courtesy follow-up phone call to see if your prospect has any questions) or email.

Continue to advertise and follow-up ... that is the key to building an online business ... create prospects and follow-up to build good strong relationships.

Please post your questions below so we can all work together to help everyone understand the simplicity of this process.

Happy Marketing,

Janet Legere
List Building Expert