Hello and Welcome!
The purpose of this post is to introduce you to a very unique system and show you how I use the system and the results that come with use, this system is called ViralURL and is the brain child of Colin Klinkert & Frank Bauer, two very successful online marketers.
What is ViralURL?
ViralURL is a link cloaker. What does that mean?
Let me explain.
I am an active member with the AdlandPro Community and our Affiliate URLs are somewhat awkward and easy to "steal" (someone can easily put another ID in or simply go to the main site and you would lose their contact).
Here is what the main url looks like:
With ViralURL, I easily turned that link to this:
Go ahead and click the ViralURL link above so that you can see what happens?
Here is what you will see. You'll find a bar across the top, it's small and not invasive - I will discuss the power of this ViralBar later in this post - you will also see a link to join ViralURL to the right of the bar - I will discuss this later as well.
Below the bar is my website. If you right click the site, you cannot find the information for it - there is no way to discover the original website address.
Your link is safe and your visitors are secure.
Not only does ViralURL protect your link, it also tracks your visitors! This helps in deciding what advertising resources are working for you.
Ok ... so that's what ViralURL is and how it works, now let's talk about setting it up and using it effectively.
NOTICE: ViralURL is free to join and you can benefit from the system as a free member. If there is one program online that I recommend an upgrade in, it's ViralURL. Take a good look at the site and review the information when you are presented with the one time offer. Take it, you'll be glad you did once you learn to use it as I describe below.
Setting up your ViralURL account
In this section, I'm going to take you through the steps of the areas that you need to setup. I am directing this article to AdlandPro users so that you can easily duplicate what I'm doing here. For non users, you can edit the information with your business link and details.
ViralBar Ads
The ViralBar Ad is the bar you see at the top of my ViralURL cloaked link
Once logged in to ViralURL, click on Ad Credit Section and click on Manage Bar Ads. Your level of membership will determine how many Bar Ads you can have displayed. For this lesson, you want to setup one Bar Ad so you can be using your system effectively right away.
Enter Ad URL 1 (start with http://): enter your website that you wish to advertise. In this exercise I entered
Enter Viralbar Ad text 1: Connect With People Looking for You!
Now my ad will be seen on the members' Viral Bar Ad. They will see the text Get Responsive Leads for Your Business! and it will be linked to my ViralURL site
Now here is what is really exciting about using ViralURL to cloak your affiliate links.
When you advertise your ViralURL link and visitors click the link, the system tracks the hits for you and a percentage of visitors will join Viral URL to use the same system and a percentage of those new members will either take the One time offer, or they will upgrade to a monthly paid membership. When they do this, you earn a commission based on your level of membership.
Viral Banner Ads
Member's banner ads run at the bottom of the page in the ViralURL back office. Your banner is rotated among the other banners that are setup.
NOTE: If you do not have a banner, skip this step
Setting up your Banner Ad
Click on Ad Credits Section then click on Manage Banner Ads.
You will need to links. One link to your Banner graphic and one to your website that the banner will be linked to. Here is an example:
Enter Banner Ad Target URL 1 (start with http://):
Enter Banner Ad Image URL 1 (start with http://):
Viral Email Ads
Viral Email Ad are ads that show up at the top of members emails when they send emails through ViralURL.
From your members area, click on Email Section, then click on Set Email Ad.
Enter Text for line 1: Get Leads And Create
Enter Text for line 2 (optional): Responsive Prospects Calling You
Enter URL (start with http://): http://viralurl.com/sykaro/adlandpro/
Now that your ViralURL system is setup, you are ready to start using it to advertise your AdlandPro website.
Setting up Viral URL Cloaking link
Click on Cloaking Section
Click on Add URL's: Click here to add new cloaking URL's
Here is what you will find:
URL (start with http://): | |
Keyword (Optional): | |
Page Title (Optional): | |
Enable Credits [?]: | Yes No |
Viralbar to be placed at: | Top Bottom |
Now let's talk about each section so you understand what to put here.
In the first section, you place your AdlandPro URL (or the website you want to advertise).
Example: http://community.adlandpro.com/go/13207/welcome.aspx
The Keyword section is where you enter a "code" to let you know what this site is for. In my example, I'm using the keyword adlandpro which tells me the link I am promoting is my AdlandPro link.
Example: adlandpro
Page Title: You can leave this blank or enter 'Get Great Leads Here'
The next two sections default to yes (Enable Credits and Place the ViralBar).
I recommend you place the ViralBar at the top which is the default selection.
You are now ready to save your Viral URL and begin advertising.
The VIRAL URL I created now looks like this:
http://viralurl.com/sykaro/adlandpro and when my visitors click that link, they are taken to my Wowzza Website and the system tracks the visitors to my site.
Advertising Sample
SUBJECT: Do you need leads for your program?
Our group is experiencing tremendous growth
in our business ... unusual growth.What's causing it?
Connecting with Real People on AdlandPro!
That's right ... Social Networks works.
Anyone can do this ... and I do mean anyone!
(with our help and your action, it's guaranteed)Click here now:
http://viralurl.com/sykaro/adlandproI'll be watching for you ... I'm standing
by to help you get started.Call me at 403-274-2930, I'm happy to
answer any questions you might have.Talk soon!
Janet Legere
Calgary, Alberta
When someone reads my ad and visits my link, I will see the results in my ViralURL back office. There is also a good chance that the visitor will signup to use ViralURL. I am able to track my visitor to signup statistics and also track my advertising resources so I know what is and is not working.
You are now well equipped to use ViralURL, cloak your links, track your hits.
If you need advertising resources, please visit here
Happy Marketing,
Janet Legere
List Building Expert
P.S. I almost forgot one very important feature ... as an upgraded member of Viral URL, you can email up to 3000 members every 3 days ... that's 30,000 random members every month! Join and Upgrade Today, Click Here