Saturday, December 16, 2006

News and Events for December 2006

Hello and welcome!

I was sitting here this morning, contemplating the email I was going to send out to my contacts and downline members, when I realized there was an easier way than writing all those emails.

Use my blog! Brilliant idea, isn't it?

So welcome and please enjoy the contents, leave your comments, bookmark our site and come back often.

Remember, I am available on msn, yahoo or skype and welcome your contact. I'm happy to help anyone willing to take the necessary actions to bring success.

Have a great day!

Janet Legere


ITEM #1: Promotion ToolBar a Hit

Many of you have already taken advantage of the new Promotion Toolbar created by Simon Macharia of Prospect Response fame. When I first looked at this tool, I really didn't see the total benefit until I actually installed it.

Installation took less than 10 minutes and the best part is that you can use the tool with your GDI websites.

I placed the Promotion Toolbar right on the GDI Training site I created. It was as simple as editing the page, clicking on the HTML tab and entering the script code at the very top of the html page.

Check out how it works here:

And as you can see, I even added the script to this blog! It was SO easy!

If you hurry, you will get a special price on Promotion Toolbar. Check it out here:

You'll love how simple it is to use ...

ITEM #2: Special Speakers Event on December 20th

Here is your chance to come and listen to Industry leaders share their secrets, tips and technique on how they use the Internet to create success.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 3:00PM Eastern time (that's New York and Toronto time for reference, check your local time here

Speakers list:

Jane Mark - JPE Advertising (FreeAdDepot)
Joel Broughton - PayItForward4Profits
Paul Birdsall - PayItForward4Profits
Morgana Braveraven - Sykaro Insights
Janet Legere - Contact List Builder

Door Prizes and Special Promotions for those in attendance

Register for this very special event here:

ITEM #3: An Evening With Coach Steele on December 28

Please join us for this very special hour with Devlyn Steele, creator of the Tools to Life program. Dev will be sharing his thoughts on goals and resolutions for the New Year. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Thursday, December 28th, 2006 at 8:00PM Eastern time (that's New York and Toronto time for reference, check your local time here

If you registered for our guest speaker event above, then you are already registered to receive information reminders about our workshop with Dev.

If you are not yet registered, please register here:

Need to contact us? Please visit and register at our Help Desk

Please leave your comments and questions so that we can help each other :-)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Update for Sunday, December 10, 2006


As I sat here today, contemplating the list that grows daily, I realized I needed to find another solution for collecting and sharing news and events that I feel are important.

This blog seemed the logical solution and I know you will agree. Post your comments and let me know how I can help you solve your business needs.

Have a great day,

Janet Legere, Online Success Coach
Visit my website at


LIVE EVENT: An Intimate Session With Devlyn Steele
Tentatively scheduled for December 27 or 28 at 8PM Eastern

Life Coach and Creator of the Tools to Life program, Devlyn Steele joins me for an hour of discussion on goals and resolutions. End the year right so that you can begin it even better. Details on this workshop will be sent out separately.


Holiday Savings at CLB and CLB Learning

Three separate packages designed to suit any budget. The perfect gift for Christmas!

CLB Holiday Package #1 - The CLB eCourse - You Save $200.00
CLB Holiday Package #2 - The CLB eCourse plus CLB Lifetime Membership - You Save $497.00
CLB Holiday Package #3 - The CLB eCourse plus CLB Lifetime Membership PLUS One Year Membership to CLB Learning - You Save $894.00

Please check details here

Would you like to give a package for Christmas as a gift? Contact me here