Saturday, December 16, 2006

News and Events for December 2006

Hello and welcome!

I was sitting here this morning, contemplating the email I was going to send out to my contacts and downline members, when I realized there was an easier way than writing all those emails.

Use my blog! Brilliant idea, isn't it?

So welcome and please enjoy the contents, leave your comments, bookmark our site and come back often.

Remember, I am available on msn, yahoo or skype and welcome your contact. I'm happy to help anyone willing to take the necessary actions to bring success.

Have a great day!

Janet Legere


ITEM #1: Promotion ToolBar a Hit

Many of you have already taken advantage of the new Promotion Toolbar created by Simon Macharia of Prospect Response fame. When I first looked at this tool, I really didn't see the total benefit until I actually installed it.

Installation took less than 10 minutes and the best part is that you can use the tool with your GDI websites.

I placed the Promotion Toolbar right on the GDI Training site I created. It was as simple as editing the page, clicking on the HTML tab and entering the script code at the very top of the html page.

Check out how it works here:

And as you can see, I even added the script to this blog! It was SO easy!

If you hurry, you will get a special price on Promotion Toolbar. Check it out here:

You'll love how simple it is to use ...

ITEM #2: Special Speakers Event on December 20th

Here is your chance to come and listen to Industry leaders share their secrets, tips and technique on how they use the Internet to create success.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 at 3:00PM Eastern time (that's New York and Toronto time for reference, check your local time here

Speakers list:

Jane Mark - JPE Advertising (FreeAdDepot)
Joel Broughton - PayItForward4Profits
Paul Birdsall - PayItForward4Profits
Morgana Braveraven - Sykaro Insights
Janet Legere - Contact List Builder

Door Prizes and Special Promotions for those in attendance

Register for this very special event here:

ITEM #3: An Evening With Coach Steele on December 28

Please join us for this very special hour with Devlyn Steele, creator of the Tools to Life program. Dev will be sharing his thoughts on goals and resolutions for the New Year. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Thursday, December 28th, 2006 at 8:00PM Eastern time (that's New York and Toronto time for reference, check your local time here

If you registered for our guest speaker event above, then you are already registered to receive information reminders about our workshop with Dev.

If you are not yet registered, please register here:

Need to contact us? Please visit and register at our Help Desk

Please leave your comments and questions so that we can help each other :-)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Update for Sunday, December 10, 2006


As I sat here today, contemplating the list that grows daily, I realized I needed to find another solution for collecting and sharing news and events that I feel are important.

This blog seemed the logical solution and I know you will agree. Post your comments and let me know how I can help you solve your business needs.

Have a great day,

Janet Legere, Online Success Coach
Visit my website at


LIVE EVENT: An Intimate Session With Devlyn Steele
Tentatively scheduled for December 27 or 28 at 8PM Eastern

Life Coach and Creator of the Tools to Life program, Devlyn Steele joins me for an hour of discussion on goals and resolutions. End the year right so that you can begin it even better. Details on this workshop will be sent out separately.


Holiday Savings at CLB and CLB Learning

Three separate packages designed to suit any budget. The perfect gift for Christmas!

CLB Holiday Package #1 - The CLB eCourse - You Save $200.00
CLB Holiday Package #2 - The CLB eCourse plus CLB Lifetime Membership - You Save $497.00
CLB Holiday Package #3 - The CLB eCourse plus CLB Lifetime Membership PLUS One Year Membership to CLB Learning - You Save $894.00

Please check details here

Would you like to give a package for Christmas as a gift? Contact me here

Friday, October 13, 2006

Strategies for Friday the 13th

It's Friday the 13th ... I love it when it's Friday the 13th ... luck abounds everywhere.

It's all a matter of attitude and belief.

If you believe that Friday the 13th is bad luck then chances are you are going to experience negativity in your day.

If, on the other hand, you believe as I do that this is a day of opportunity, then you will experience positive activity throughout your day.

Breathe in the day and welcome it!

What are you doing today to move your business forward? Are you advertising as much as you can be? Are you making contact with new people every day?

You need to find and connect with new people daily in order to propel your business forward.

Here are some activities that may help you do just that.

1. Follow the Success Guide at PIF4P

Not a member yet? It's free to join and take advantage of the amazing training offered at PIF4p. When you combine it with my clb strategies you see results even sooner.

Register for free here:

2. Register for my live workshops

It's a proven fact that those who register for and attend our live workshops excel in their business. It's in the learning and doing that you see progress.

I've listed our upcoming workshops on our new blog here:

3. Advertise your lead capture pages

Another proven fact, the more you advertise, the more results you receive. Funny how that happens, eh? I'm often asked what resources I use so I listed them here:

4. Take positive action every day

It's great to learn and take training, however if you aren't taking action, the training is useless.

Learn ... then take what you learned and use it in the real world ... on or offline, put your new found strategies out there and makethings happen.

It's only in your doing that you will see results. I can't learn it for you and I can't do it for you.
I can, however, help you learn and guide you on the right actions to take.

5. Connect with me on instant messenger

I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is that you connect with me on Instant Messenger.


Because that's the environment where I can best offer advice and instruction to help you make the most of your online experience.

I use msn, yahoo and skype.

If you aren't using one of these, you can download them here:

MSN: My MSN id is:
Yahoo: My Yahoo id is: janetlegere
Skype: My Skype id is: sykaro

Add me to your friends list and let's connect.

Success is up to you ... I can be your guide to help you make good decisions and take effective action.

Let's make it happen for you, ok?

Have a great day!


Janet Legere, Business Coach and Mentor
The Contact List Builder
Coaching Leaders in Business Online Since 1999

Personal Coaching - One on One Training
One Full Year - One Low Price

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Are You Focused On Your Goals?

If you aren't focused on your goals, what are you focused on?

Are you spending hours and hours at your computer, completing tasks day in and day out ... only to experience ....... NOTHING?

And do you keep doing it over and over again?

Well ... they have a word for that which I choose not to use ... suffice it to say it's time to stop. I can help.

Contact me and I will share a copy of 'The Resolution Success System' with you. You can't get this ebook anywhere else, unless you are taking the 'Tools to Life' training course with Devlyn Steele.

I have special permission to share this invaluable tool with you. Are you ready to stop wasting your time and start seeing results? Contact me now. I'll respond as soon as I can, personally.

I look forward to working with you and assisting you in making better decisions.


Janet Legere,
Business Coach and Mentor
The Contact List Builder
Coaching Leaders in Business Online Since 1999

Personal Coaching - One on One Training - One Full Year - One Low Price

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Joys of Struggling

Today, I want to share with you an article written by our beloved Morgana BraveRaven. Morgana is back from the offline world and will be actively writing and working with success seekers and I thought I'd break you in with one of her earlier articles.

This article was originally printed in 2001 and is applicable today.

Thanks for reading,


The Joy of Struggling

..... struggle is effort laced with emotion and desperation.
…Stuart Wilde

I think that we will all agree that to succeed at anything we are going to have to put forth a little effort. That said, I think a smidge of clarification is required:

Effort and struggle are not one and the same.

Effort should never be married to its foul nemesis struggle – the result is disaster. These two make poor bedfellows, and we should do our best to ensure that they never mingle in any of our endeavours.

Effort is necessary. Struggle simply perpetuates more struggles. Effort takes you somewhere – struggle takes up your time and energy. Effort paves your path – struggle clutters your road. Effort is efficient – struggle, as Stuart Wilde puts it, is an unholy battle that you fight with yourself.

So how can you tell if you are perpetuating struggle in your life? Here are a couple of clues: Do you work really, really, really hard to achieve success, and despite your effort, do you never seem to get any closer to achieving your goals? Do close friends and family sit back and shake their heads while they watch you buzz around like a crazed hornet? Do they ask you what the heck you are working so hard for, since nothing in your life seems to change in any way? Maybe you can hear your own little inner voice asking the very same question.

If any of the above sounds familiar to you, then you may be stuck on the struggler’s path. At this very moment you may be experiencing the Joy of Struggling.

What? You’re not enjoying it?

It’s not a pleasant experience?

You’re right. There is no joy in struggle. It is not fun in any way, and it is not productive. How would I know?

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with a bashful blush that I confess to you that I have in the past dabbled in the art of struggle.

Yes, it is true. By chance I came to realize that I had a problem. I was tidying up my desk one afternoon when I found a little book that a friend had given to me. The book was Life Was Never Meant To Be a Struggle by Stuart Wilde (gee, I wonder what that friend was trying to tell me). I sat down and started to thumb through the first chapter. As I was reading one of the struggler profiles a nagging little voice in my head piped up in a very sarcastic tone and said, Hey cupcake, kinda sounds a bit like you… dun’it?

This the profile that struck a cord:

If I bust a gut and hurtle around trying hard, people will see me as a good [person] and they will treat me with respect. Whether I get results or not matters little, as long as I am seen to be making a valiant effort. To make sure everyone acknowledges my heroism I will create an entire theatre of frantic action, hectic schedules, meeting of earth-shattering importance, long hours and constant pressure. Of course this pantomime will make me a bit tense but that is all part of the act, for the tension will be seen my others as my taking responsibility and they will love me and respect me for that…

When I finished reading the passage that nagging little voice chirped in again, Yup, that’s you alright, that’s you. Juggling chainsaws.

Oy. It was true. I was juggling chainsaws and the problem with that act is that when you drop one, it kicks back and bites ya. My life at that point was consuming me. My life was living me. I was much to far out…and not waving but drowning.

Now it is normal to struggle from time to time. It’s human, but to struggle all of the time is a real problem. Stuart Wilde claims that struggle is a programmed response. Many of us struggle without even being aware that we are doing so – certainly I fell into that category.

So how do you deal with the plight of the struggler? As always, the solution is simple.

First you have to fess up. Identify the problem. Are you perpetuating struggle in your life? Come on, be honest.

If you checked the yes, as a matter of fact I am a struggler box, read on, if not, email this article to someone you know who is a struggle-o-maniac and then go make yourself a cheese sandwich. Take the night off. You are dismissed.

The only way you are going to reduce the struggle in you life is to admit that you are stuck on the struggle-o-matic cycle. Struggle is a slippery slope that will only ever deliver your effort into the muck. Struggle is not productive – effort is productive.

You do not need to struggle to be successful. Flowers do not struggle to bloom – they just bloom. Children do not struggle to grow – they just grow. The moon does not struggle to rise – it just rises.

Nature does not struggle.

You are a part of nature and you do not need to struggle.

The next thing you will have to do is eliminate struggle from you life.

To eliminate struggle you are going to have to do a little digging and evaluating. Consider all the aspects of your life: friends, family, leisure, work, business, body, mind, spirit, and any others that comes to mind. Are you struggling in any area? If you are then you are out of balance. Struggle is really a little gift sent to remind you that you are out of balance, and that something needs to shift.

I highly recommend these two books to help you off the struggle-o-matic cycle.

"Life Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle" by Stuart Wilde (a wee little book that may be difficult to find, but well worth the effort to locate a copy), and The "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra (a very popular book available at most book vendors and libraries. If you only intended to read one book in your lifetime The Seven Spiritual Laws would, in my opinion, have to be it). These two books were instrumental in helping me unhinge myself from my attachment to struggle, and I just can’t say enough about them. They would be a bargain at triple the price on the cover.

Struggle is not natural, nor is it pleasant or productive. You cannot struggle your way towards success. If you insist on struggling (and yes, this too is a choice) then you will only ever amount to a successful struggler. Is that what you want?

Way you go then. Go do your reading. Take good notes. Do a little digging in your life. If you find that you believe, as I did, that you have to struggle like the dickens to be successful … well, you may want to take a change of mind into consideration. A changed mind can change a life.

Are you really hooked on The Joys of Struggling, or would you rather approach success with effortless ease? Your call.

Morgana Braveraven
Visit Morgana Here

About the authorResiding on Beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, Morgana BraveRaven shares her most excellent gift with each of us. Her success is based on helping others get what they want, and focusing on the needs and desires of her clients to help them achieve. Morgana writes exclusively for SykaroInsightsTM. Visit Morgana Here

Product References:

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Place To Share My Secrets

Hello and welcome,

My name is Janet Legere and I want to thank you for stopping by. This journal will be a place for me to share my "secrets" with you and answer your questions about Internet Marketing, specifically Relationship Marketing (the job of shopping for people!).

I'm still learning about blogging and figuring all this out and I welcome you to come learn with me.

I can build a list and make it sing, but I've yet to master this blogging thing!

I'm following the Success Guide at PayItForward4Profits - my downline building program of choice that has helped triple my income in the last 2 months!

I look forward to sharing my results with you here .. stay tuned, there's more to come.

Have a great day,

Janet Legere, Business Coach and Mentor
The Contact List Builder
Coaching Leaders in Business Online Since 1999